We wind up either having the boar show up at the TC and the vills are working on sheep or they finish the sheep early while you are luring the boar. Also, our timing for luring bores is usually off. For noobs the variations that throw us off are things like: How far are the boars, the first lumber camp, the berries, etc. The problem with detail build orders for noobs like us is they are created by pros who have great knowledge of hot keys and timing. Somewhere in the above sequence you may (or should) lure a boar (if your a noob and you are not luring boar - that is a definite mistake). Just get it as part of your first TC visit and be done with it) Reason? It eliminates the need to 'find' a moment to get loom which sometimes leads to forgetting loom before your first boar lure.
6 on sheep (note - when I go to TC for first time, I queue up the 4 vills and I also queue up loom. The basic thrust for the majority of civs and situations is this:Ģ. Doing things in correct order is important but don't get too hung up on the details or it can drive you crazy. I have tried the art of war build order guides and the build order guides from the mods.